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Humanity’s Most Basic Relationship | A Sojourner’s Guide

1 Peter 3:1-12

Marriage. There have been a lot of opinions, debates, and research about humanity’s most basic relationship over the last couple of years. I’m not exactly sure what all this means for the future of marriage and family life in America, but I do believe this presents an opportunity for Christians. So, whether you are single, engaged, or married, let’s discover what 1 Peter has to say to husbands and wives and how we can make the most of this opportunity to put on display marriage as God intended.

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You Are Never Alone | Holy Spirit

Jesus said the Holy Spirit is a “helper” for believers, but what does that mean? Let’s clarify some misconceptions about the Holy Spirit and see how He guides us through life’s complexities by leading us back to God’s Word – how He intercedes for us in prayer, even when we don’t know what to pray, and how He guides us in our daily lives.