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Hour Of Darkness | The Story

Recently we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day. Other than the need to wear green so we don’t get pinched, and a familiarity with the legend of him driving out the snakes in Ireland, I’m not sure most of us could really explain why we celebrate this day and this man. I myself honestly couldn’t until quite recently. I assure you his life is worth remembering (and honoring) — for he lived in the spirit of the One who stayed up on a cross for us.

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You Are Never Alone | Holy Spirit

Jesus said the Holy Spirit is a “helper” for believers, but what does that mean? Let’s clarify some misconceptions about the Holy Spirit and see how He guides us through life’s complexities by leading us back to God’s Word – how He intercedes for us in prayer, even when we don’t know what to pray, and how He guides us in our daily lives.